The Wellbeing Farm

Lancashire-based events venue, The Wellbeing Farm, made reviewing energy use a priority for their business.
As part of their net zero journey, the business commissioned a utilities and site audit and produced a roadmap to net zero. This helped them define their goals to reduce energy use, alongside water and waste.
With a 10% energy reduction target for 2023, The Wellbeing Farm monitors their electricity, water, food and waste on a ‘Sustainability Scoreboard’ which is actively discussed and reviewed by staff each month.
They also generate their own electricity after investing in a 20kw wind turbine. Further projects include a transition to LED lighting, upgrading to low-energy appliances, and occupancy sensors in toilets which can be used to control lighting.
By approaching energy usage as part of a wider focus on sustainability, the business has also seen reputational benefits, enhanced sales and opportunities for new business diversification.